
1 努力有得到应得的回报。
2 有一天就有向一位前同事兼朋友说起要搬家的事,怎知他竟然主动说要帮我搬家。
   他明明就住很远,因该要一个小时的车程吧,从他那里来到我家。 所以我真的很感动。
   到底他有没有帮到我,那还不知道,也不重要,但是我很感动,因为我和他才相处过两个月,   而且快一年没见了, 他有在我需要帮助时伸出援手的心意,以让我很高兴。真的很幸运认识到他,因为没有多少人会象他一样。就算是好朋友也很少象他一样那么热心和愿意帮忙的。
3 越来越多挑战等着我了呢,新的学年开始,学的东西会更难,就更具有挑战性。看来前途多灾多难呢!



My holiday end
 Holiday end, finally it ends. This holiday, I had done nothing, except went shopping and back home see my family.
Now is 2010, 2009 was already pass. I saw many newspapers were discussing the big event happen in 2009, but what was the top ten big events happen in life?
In 2009, the biggest event happen in my life is I success get into PJCAD. I think… I get into a right college!!! I am so glad that I can escape from study form six with my hand.  New place, new environment, new people, new study life, no more uniform, no more school rule. Mix with new friend, (I will NEVER forget my mentakab friend de, especially my dear~vent o!) can go watch movie, shopping, sing karaoke anytime (if have money), although sometime really bored because no college activity.
Many book say 2010 is a new year for pieces. I agree vf them because must have a lot of new assignment and problem need to face and solve. Some more I will move to PJ SS14, stay with people that I dun know. Just hope everything all fine.