rearrange and cleaning my room

After my new roommate come, the 1st time we rearrange the room together.
so glad that she is a person who like keep the room clean. After clean up the room, I cook the pasta sauce, she cook the spaghetti, then we eat together. Nice food!!!! love it la~~~~~
First times feel the spaghetti so tasty. hehe
I try so hard, my fb cant upload the photography class picture, so kek shui, my classmate said this is his first time heard about this weired news, so dam boring!!!!!!!! is that my laptop problem or the fb problem?????
10th of April only will back mentakab, because my cousin weeding party and lim wan yee birthday ~~~
congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!! wan yee is getting older and older, just wish her be happy all the time~~~
wish my cousin have a happiness married life, and get a cute baby~~~~~~



从文德甲回PJ 到站的时候刚巧下雨,站在楼梯间等雨停,形形色色的路人纷纷放慢了脚步,小心翼翼地不让雨水溅到身上。这时突然有一个很疯狂的想法,超想冲出去淋雨,一边大喊。不过那只是幻想,因为我才不会让自己有生病的机会呢!

minnie and orange 睡在同一张床呢! 偷偷拍了一些她们的丑照。

9th march
到了云顶,一直玩,玩得没完没了。chloe 真的很幸运, 赢到她很喜欢的海马,为他取了一个很有趣的名字。 
午夜一点, 终于可以冲凉了,突然拍门说某某要上厕所,一直开灯关灯地,真的很恐怖。在云顶耶。。。。。。
一出门,听到生日快乐歌,还真的吓了一大跳,不知如何反应,头脑足足当机了一分钟, 为了不要让他们看到我不知所措的表情,一直把面贴在墙上, 直到吹蜡烛为止。要许愿,想生日愿望,又让我当机了十秒,才想到哦!在这里偷偷说, 我的生日愿望就是希望每一年都可以和这一帮朋友在一起。
虽然提早吹生日蛋糕, 不过这个生日过得真不错呢!还有满满的感动。

 今天我又白白地过了一天,什么也没做到,不断地在浪费时间。同朋友们喝茶,还真的很开心, 我也不知道为什么。 虽然只是小聚,但是让我觉得很。好怀念以前打他肚子的感觉哦!见到他们就好像回到了中五,那段无忧无虑,潇洒的岁月。