rearrange and cleaning my room

After my new roommate come, the 1st time we rearrange the room together.
so glad that she is a person who like keep the room clean. After clean up the room, I cook the pasta sauce, she cook the spaghetti, then we eat together. Nice food!!!! love it la~~~~~
First times feel the spaghetti so tasty. hehe
I try so hard, my fb cant upload the photography class picture, so kek shui, my classmate said this is his first time heard about this weired news, so dam boring!!!!!!!! is that my laptop problem or the fb problem?????
10th of April only will back mentakab, because my cousin weeding party and lim wan yee birthday ~~~
congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!! wan yee is getting older and older, just wish her be happy all the time~~~
wish my cousin have a happiness married life, and get a cute baby~~~~~~


SeCreT said...

8po... now only i realise this post got me!!